Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar
Meet the latest member of the Brock and Morten team! Raspberry Vinegar has now joined our balsamic vinegar collection and it couldn’t be a more perfect time. Spring is upon us and we are ready to cook with this delightfully flavoured vinegar.
Raspberry Balsamic vinegar has the perfect balance of sweet and sour characteristics and works well with so many dishes. With Easter approaching, we have provided the perfect recipe for combining our raspberry vinegar and roast lamb. The raspberry vinegar glaze that you can find in our recipe here gives the lamb a brilliant sharpness.
You can use our raspberry vinegar in many ways. Below are a few ideas for you to try:
Pour over ice cream.
Use to deglaze cooking pans.
Add to sauces for a brighter flavour.
Use on salads or in salad dressings.
Try as a cordial.
Make a glaze for meat or vegetables.
Drizzle over spiced cauliflower.