Our Spring Dining Essentials

flavoured rapeseed oil

It may just be us, but seeing a few glorious days of sunshine over the Easter weekend got us in the mood for alfresco dining! We often feel that over the Spring and Summer we find it difficult to choose which of our delicious flavoured rapeseed oils we are going to use in our dishes. It’s safe to say that our dining table is full of every option available, just to keep everyone happy!

We thought we would share a few of our favourite ideas with you, just incase you need a little inspiration for your own Spring and Summer outdoor meals.

garlic flavoured rapeseed oil

Firstly, you can’t go far wrong with a Barbecue, unless the weather disagrees, of course! We love using our flavoured rapeseed oil as a marinade for many barbecue dishes. We often use our garlic flavoured rapeseed oil on steaks and this flavoured rapeseed oil also works perfectly on vegetable kebabs. Our lemon flavoured rapeseed oil and basil flavoured rapeseed oil are also great for vegetable kebabs and other vegetables roasted on the barbecue such as corn on the cob and flat mushrooms.

lemon flavoured rapeseed oil

Salads are our other big go to for outdoor dining. We don’t do boring salads though. If you have ever stumbled across our Salad Box catering van at events you will know this for yourself. Warm roasted squash with grilled halloumi, a drizzle of our chilli flavoured rapeseed oil and a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds is a real winner! Test this one with someone who says they don’t like salads and we think you will convert them.

basil flavoured rapeseed oil

Dessert plays a big part in our outdoor Spring and Summer dining. Pavlova topped with a drizzle of our honey is a great pudding! We also love keeping it simple too and a big bowl of strawberries with a drizzle of basil flavoured rapeseed oil or lemon flavoured rapeseed oil is a great easy dessert.

rapeseed oil

Sometimes on lovely warm days we enjoy something a little more simple and easy to create. Sharing platters are a super quick supper to throw together. Antipasti, cured meets, cheese and breads are one of our favourite simple dining options. Combine this with any of your favourite Brock and Morten flavoured rapeseed oils to dip, along with our balsamic and white balsamic vinegar.

We hope you enjoy these outdoor dining ideas which will see you through both Spring and Summer.


Our Rapeseed Oil


Italian Condiment and Balsamic Vinegar